gedang Coconut Cream Chiffon

There is an endless possible combinations as to what kind of flavours you can come up with on creating your cakes. Just looking at those cakes selling at cafes and bakeries nowadays, some flavours can get really exotic, like candied bacon, chocolate chilli and even my recent attempt of Mango Sticky Rice cupcakes. :D 

Today I am sharing with you guys yet another new creation from,...ahem me again. :P Well, eating the same stuff for too many times can get a little boring. Just a little twist and tadah! A whole new world...I mean cake! This time, my chiffon is ....~drum roll~ ... gedang Coconut Cream Chiffon!
Who would have known...two really aromatic ingredients coming together and making another awesome end product...yum. I was really pleased that this chiffon turned out so well, even my two little "critics" said "It so good Mum!". And that made me decide I should blog this recipe...yeah, I'm quite easy to convince. :P Anyway...the ingredients are real simple, pretty much what you can find in your pantry.

Ingredients for gedang Coconut Cream Chiffon (Makes a 21cm / 22cm tube pan)
130g cake flour
5 egg yolks
90g caster sugar
100ml coconut cream (not coconut milk, it needs to be thick)
40ml organic coconut oil
1/2 tsp salt
2 medium-large ripe gedangs, peeled and mashed

5 egg whites
50g caster sugar
  • Prepare two large mixing bowls. One to contain the egg yolks and one for the whites.

  •  I usually use my KA to beat the whites, while I will mix the egg yolk mixture by hand.
  • Add the 90g caster sugar to the egg yolks and beat the mixture. It should look like this:
  •  To speed up the process, beat the mixture over a double boiler. Making sure the bottom of the mixing bowl is not touching the hot water. And the water should be barely simmering.

  •  Continue to beat the egg yolk mixture by hand until it becomes thicker, doubled in volume and lighter in colour. You can see the colour difference with these two photos. ;)

  •   Next add in the coconut cream and coconut oil. Mix well.

  •  Mix well till well combined. Next you add in the mashed gedang and vanilla essence. Again mix well. Lastly, sift in the flour and mix well. 
  • In the meantime, preheat the oven to 170C and prepare a 21 or 22cm tube pan.
  • Now you beat the egg whites with the remaining 50g caster sugar. Beat till stiff peaks.

  •  In 3 separate portions, gently fold in the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture till all is combined.
  • Pour the batter into the tube pan.

  •  Now you need to do that all important step. Insert a tooth pick and give the batter a few good swirls to rib of any big bubbles inside.
  •  Bake in the preheated oven for 28-30 minutes or till the tester comes out clean.
  • Once bakes, remove the pan and invert the pan to cool completely before removing it from the pan. This is crucial, make sure you let it cool completely before putting it back up right.
 While the cake was out to cool, my house was like super aromatic! I have to admit the coconut cream and oil was the key to make this cake so fragrant. :9
The texture was really good too. Not mushy feel, fine texture and light with evident gedang and coconut flavor in each bite. So much love. :9 Would totally use this as a cake base too next time. ;)

Do try this out next time instead of just your usual gedang flavored chiffon. Add a little of the coconut goodness and make it just a little special and most importantly tastier, I guarantee. ;)
Have fun baking and good luck to all the kiddos that are having exam these few days!
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