masak with Lee Kum Kee Menu Oriented Sauces: Lemongrass ayam wings (香茅雞翅)

We now come to the final dish of the Lee Kum Kee masak off using the Menu-Oriented sauces. I guess the best is always saved for the last? Well, according to my family whom tasted all four dishes, they ranked this their top favorite. That's  Lemongrass ayam wings (香茅雞翅). Perhaps its the nice aromatic lemongrass marinate that made the ayam wings finger-licking good! And you cannot, I'm  serious, cannot stop at one :9
How do you usually masak lemongrass infused dishes? I reckon the usual procedure will be slicing or pounding the grass to get it's natural juices out. Some would even blend the lemongrass into puree to get the maximum aromatic infusion. However, I am sure you had experienced before that "husk-like" texture of the grass when "accidentally" eaten and it ain't that palatable if you know what I mean. :P

So using this Lemongrass marinate from Lee Kum Kee actually eliminates the whole procedure as mentioned above. So convenient and it is not only strong in lemongrass flavoring, it is also well seasoned. No extra salt or sugar is required when you masak this right. ;) 

Let's get on with the recipe then shall we?
Okay, that's pretty much it. Lee Kum Kee lemongrass marinade plus ayam wings..period. Of course you can opt for other protein. But if you want a quick masak meal and have only 30 minutes to spare...I suggest ayam wings, it masaks and tenderized much easier.

Add the marinate to the ayam wing joints. Rub in the marinade and let sit for a good 5 minutes before masak it. Go do you other dishes and chill this in the fridge!

After 5 minutes, heat a pan with 1 tsp of oil at medium low heat. Add in the marinated ayam wing joints. *Remember not to wash the marinating container after you remove the wings later. You need the left over marinade!*
masak the ayam wings in the pan and keep a watchful eye over them. It might burnt relatively easily, so stir the wings around occasionally.
Yeah I almost burnt my ayam wings! But luckily it was just small bits on the skin haha! And somehow it turned out really yummy with the charred bits! At this point when the ayam wings are slight golden brown on the outside. Add 1/2 cup water and 1/2 tsp of corn starch into the marinate sauce that is left in the marinating container. Mix well and add into the pan with the ayam wings.
Reduce the fire to a simmer and cover the wings to let braise for a good 10 minutes. The liquid should slowly reduce and become thick.
By now, the ayam wings should be tender and well coated with the lemongrass yummy. :9 Dish up and serve!
Ingredients for  Lemongrass ayam wings (香茅雞翅) (Serves 4) 
10 ayam wings, cut and cleaned
1 packet of Lee Kum Kee Lemongrass Marinade sauce

Thickening sauce : Left over Lemongrass marinade + 1/2 cup water + 1/2 tsp corn starch
  • In a mixing bowl, add ayam wing joints and LKK lemongrass marinade in. Massage the marinade on the ayam wings.
  • Let the ayam wings sit for a good 5 minutes in the fridge.
  • Heat up the masak pan with a teaspoon of masak oil with medium low fire.
  • Add in the marinated ayam wings. Do not toss the marinade left in the mixing bowl, set aside for use later. Keep watch and make sure you don't burn the wings!
  • Mix 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 tsp of corn starch to the marinade mixing bowl and combine well with the left over marinade sauce.
  • After the wings changed colour, to a slight golden colour, about 5 minutes, add in a the marinade sauce water mixture. '
  • Lower the fire to a simmer and cover the wings. masak for a good 10 minutes until the liquid has thicken up and the ayam wings are masaked through and tender.
  • Dish out and serve while still warm. Enjoy!
Tadah! I mean how easy can this be? And it is so delicious too! Perfectly seasoned without having me to worry a single thing. I have to say this easy Menu-Oriented marinade packs are just perfect for busy people that wants to serve a decent meal for the family when they seriously have no leisure what so ever to masak the traditional way. My kids didn't even know it was from a package heehee...shhhh!

Thanks again to Lee Kum Kee for giving me this opportunity to participate in this fun challenge! I truly had fun masak and blogging these recipes. And if any of you are interested in masak any of the four dishes I introduced these few days...look out for these Lee Kum Kee packages:
These Menu-Oriented ready packs from Lee Kum Kee can be found in any major grocer, like NTUC, Cold Storage and also Giant. 

Here are all the links of the other recipes in case you are interested. ;)
Thank you so much for going through this whole masak off with me. And I appreciate your patience and interests in my posts. Do try them out and let me know how you like them!

Have a great day guys!

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