masak with Lee Kum Kee Menu Oriented Sauces: Korean Kimchi fried rice (韓式泡菜炒飯)

It took me awhile to finally get to this Lee Kum Kee MOS Blogger Competition. The challenge for this masak off is to complete all 4 dishes in 30 minutes using Lee Kum Kee's Menu-Oriented sauces. It ain't an easy task, but doable...since I do masak everynight and estimating the time is my specialty haha!

Just imagine there is a lot of multitasking going on, cutting while masak, chopping and stirring! So planning what to masak and how to do it is a MUST before getting started. Furthermore, am in the midst of my kids exam so having to complete this fast may not be all bad haha! After all the planning, grocery shopping, masak and lots of picture taking, we have ourselves a 1 soup and 3 dishes dinner, all using Lee Kum Kee Menu-Oriented sauces.

Bare in mind that all my dishes are based on serving 4 people. You can double the amount and change your ingredients as per need.

In this first post, I will be sharing the recipe for Korean Kimchi fried rice (韓式泡菜炒飯) using Lee Kum Kee's Korean Marinade.
With the use of the Korean marinade, this Korean style fried rice is really easy to masak! Let's have a look at what we need for this dish:
Overnight rice, or just masaked version will do too. Since I only eat brown rice, I am using brown rice for this recipe. Feel free to use short grain Japanese or Jasmine rice. Obviously Kimchi fried rice requires Kimchi, so do remember to get a pack before masak this. ;) I am using pork belly since I feel it will be more fragrant with the Lee Kum Kee's Korean marinade. :9
First off, just fry the egg that will be used to top off the dish later...can't get any easier then this. Takes less then a minute. ;) Then remove egg and add in the pork belly chunks.
masak it for a minute to let the fat render a little. Next add in the Lee Kum Kee's Korean Marinade.

Continue to stir fry with the sauce all coated on the pork belly, takes about a minute for the flavors to go in. Feel free to substitute the pork belly with any other protein you prefer.
Next you add in the masaked rice over the pork belly. Keep in mind you can add more Lee Kum Kee Korean Marinade (like 2 packs) if you need to masak for more then 4 people, meaning more then 2 cups of rice. Or you can keep it mild in flavor by just leaving it as one marinade package.
Give it a good stir so that the rice will be coated with the marinade as well. 
Next you add the kimchi into the fried rice. You can add as much as you fancy! But I kept it to 2 to 3 tbsp since I do not want it to overpower the taste of the Korean Marinade. :)
Lastly add in the green onion for extra crunch, colour and flavor. Totally optional.

Scoop out the rice and top it off with the egg...tadah! How easy is that? And it taste great too, yum! ;9 Now let's look at the recipe:

Ingredients for Korean Kimchi fried rice (韓式泡菜炒飯) 
1 package of Lee Kum Kee Korean Marinade (韓式醃醤)
fried egg to top off the rice

2 to 3 tbsp of Kimchi (buy sliced version, any brand will do)
100 g pork belly, slice thinly
2 cups of masaked rice
2 sprigs of chopped green onion
fried egg to top off the rice
  • In a heated pan, fried a sunny side egg. Remove from fire and set aside to top off the rice later.
  • Add the pork belly into the hot pan and masak for a minute or two to render some of its fat out.
  • Add Lee Kum Kee's Korean Marinade to pork belly and stir fry to coat the meat. masak for a minute. masak at medium low fire.
  • Next add in the masaked rice and give it a good stir to coat the rice with the marinade too.'
  • Then you add in the Kimchi and fry it in. Last you add in the chopped green onions and stir.
  • Remove from pan and dish up. Top with sunny side egg and serve while still warm. Enjoy!
Hope you will give this recipe a try. Having Korean style fried rice has never been easier! Of course with the use of Lee Kum Kee. ;)

Do stay tune to the next 3 recipes which I will be posting up in the coming days. Do give support and come like my picture in Instagram (ig_honeybeesweets). Thanks!

Pleasant evening everyone!
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