Lemongrass Curry Coconut Barramundi

I masak fish so often. As often as 3 to 4 times a week. Whether it is Salmon, Sole, Grouper or even Barramundi, I always try to introduce as much of it to my kids' diet if possible. Personally, I very much prefer fish verses poultry or other meats, because I find it easier to digest too. And fish can be such a versatile ingredient too. And thus creating new dishes with these fish is pretty much a mission for me weekly. But I was really happy when I tried out this new recipe; Lemongrass Curry Coconut Barramundi.

So recently I was given the opportunity to try out some of the freshest barramundi from Singapore's largest fish farm from Barramundi ASIA, which recently launched their own Kühlbarra brand of premium barramundi. And the best part about this operation is they grow and harvest their own fish locally using world-class sustainable fish farming practices. Thus Singaporeans now can enjoy quality barramundi when they go on www.kuhlbarra.com to order them. And yes, we should totally support local produce! 

Not sure about you, but I suck big time at haggling at the market. I usually felt overcharged when I but at the wet market because uncle is too witty for me haha! So I usually buy from the supermarket. But seriously, I can't get such lovely cuts there. Perhaps it's the time I go or that store I go to. :P But luckily these from Kühlbarra are just great. And they come packed nicely in iced boxes. One less worry about whether they will come fresh or not. :)

What I like about it is that the fish fillets were never frozen before. Plus the cuts were of good quality and air sealed in sturdy bags which you can freeze them if you can't use all of them at one go. 

And those bags will prevent the fish from getting freeze burns too. :) Remember to order at least $50 and above to get a free delivery.

Now let's get to the yummy part shall we? Let me show you how I prepare this delicious dish which my kids were asking for more! Will first show how I make the Lemongrass curry sauce which will be used in masak this dish.

Ingredients for Lemongrass Curry Coconut Barramundi ( serves 4 pax)

Lemongrass Curry Sauce:

3 lemongrass stalk (only the middle white portion is needed)
6 shallots
4 garlic cloves
30 ml organic coconut oil
70 ml vegetable oil

1 tbsp curry paste
1 tbsp fish sauce
1.5 tsp sugar
3/4 tsp salt
200 ml water

  • Cut away the exterior of the Lemongrass stalk, leaving only the white softer interior. Then slice it thinly. 

  • Then peel the shallots, sliced thin. Peel the garlic. Place all three lemongrass, shallots and garlic into the blender. Blend the mixture till very finely chopped.

  • Mix the coconut oil in to the mixture. Then heat up the vegetable oil on a masak pan over medium low fire.
  • Add the puree into the pan and masak till aromatic, about 3 minutes. 

  • Next add in the curry paste, and give it a good stir to mix it in. Next add in the fish sauce, sugar and salt.

  • Once the mixture starts to bubble for a good minute, add in the water. Bring it to a boil, and lower the fire to a simmer. Let it masak down till it thickens.

  • Scoop the sauce out into a bowl and set aide for use later. 

This sauce is actually very versatile, you can use it for other proteins like ayam, pork or even tofu. ;) So make a bigger batch and store in glass jars for future masak. 

Main dish ingredients:
450 - 500 g Barramundi fish
50 g grated or desiccated coconut
2 tbsp Lemongrass curry sauce from above

1 egg white
1 tbsp milk powder (I used nestle)
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
3 tbsp corn flour

1 cup masak oil for frying
  • First cut the barramundi into smaller pieces. 

  • Next, add all the marinate to the fish pieces and preheat the masak oil in the wok.

  • Then fry the marinated barramundi till golden brown at medium low fire. Remember DO NOT overmasak them, it only takes 5 - 6 minutes to fry them.

  • When golden brown, remove from the oil and drain them on paper towels. Remove the frying oil leaving only 2 tsp left. Add in the desiccated coconut and the lemongrass top part of the stalk preserved earlier. Stir fry over low fire till slightly toasted. Add in the Lemongrass coconut sauce from earlier, you just need about 2 tbsp.

  • masak the mixture for a minute. Then add in the fried barramundi pieces in. Toss to coat the fillets with the coconut curry sauce.
  • Dish up and serve immediately with steam rice.

I was so glad the dish turned out great! These slightly spicy and flavourful barramundi  fillets are just delicious! Loving the extra texture from the desiccated coconut, a bit of a bite and coconut fragrance too. So much win please! Slight crisp outside and still moist inside. Can even taste the mild sweetness of the fresh seafood.
Check out the moist, flaky interior! This truly shows how fresh the barramundi is. And you have a well balanced and healthy meal.

The Jubilee SG50 celebration is coming. Perhaps you can try out this dish over this long holiday and serve it up during the party? The perfect local flair that is sure to impress everyone's palette. ;)

Hope this post has not only motivate you to try out this great dish and share it with your family, but also to try out the great product from Kühlbarra, that is the fresh barramundi. Ultimately, self sustain is the way to go, so support local produce! Check out www.kuhlbarra.com now. 

Happy masak and don't stop what you love doing

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