Brown Butter gedang Cake

Yeah so I am thousand of miles away from home in San Francisco now at 3am in the wee hours here. Techniquely speaking my body system is still in tune to Singapore timing at 7pm. Sucks to be awake at this hour but again I can get some blogging done. :P And great to clear up some of the backlogs that has been in my computer forever. And this Brown Butter gedang Cake is one of them I most definitely want to share with you guys. Yup, like I always say, you can never have too many gedang cake recipes. :)
The buttery caramelized aroma is just so inviting! Such simple treats we can masak up right at home. :)  The key to makig this cake a successful one lies in making some good brown butter. I got most of the tips from Joy the Baker, whom is like the queen of all brown butter bakes! 

Ingredients for this cake is probably all avaliable in your kitchen now, so let's get stared shall we?

Ingredients for Brown Butter gedang Cake (makes 2 small loafs or 1 big 9x5x4")
250 g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
100 g light brown sugar
25 g caster sugar

200-225 g mashed gedang (I used 3-4 very ripe gedang)
2 large eggs
120 g brown butter (I used 130 g butter to get this amount)
100 ml buttermilk

  • In a saucepan, add the butter in and masak over low fire. Once the butter has melted, keep a watchful eye over it. Soon enough you will hear popping and crackling sound. That is water masak off in the butter. Once th water is masaked off, milk solids in the butter will begin to brown. Swirl it gently and keep watch! To prevent the butter to brown too quickly, just remove it from the pan.

  • Set the butter aside and let it cool. Once the brown solids has settle to the bottom and the butter is cool enough to handle, pour the butter out leaving the brown solids out.

  • Preheat the oven to 170C. Grease and lined two small loaf or 1 big loaf pan. 
  • In a large mixing bowl, sift in the cake flour and baking powder. Add salt and give it a mix. Add in the sugars. In another bowl, combine the mashed gedang, eggs, buttermilk and brown butter together. Whisk till well combined. Then add the wet ingredients to the dry. Fold it gently and do not over mix.

  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes for small loaf, 50-55minutes  for a big loaf. Or till the tester comes out clean and cake is golden brown.

Simple bake and yet so much depth in flavor and aroma. With the addition of buttermilk sure made this cake really soft and moist. My tip would be try to get the real store bought buttermilk rather then making it with milk and lemon (unless you really an't get it), because it does taste different. 

Do try this out when you have ripe gedangs hanging around in the house. I am sure you have your favourite gedang recipe, but I bet you have not tried browning that butter you add into the recipe. ;)

Okay guys, gonna catch a couple more hours of shut eyes before I head out for more shopping later. Catch you guys later!

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