Steamed Herbal ayam Drumlets

As promised, I will post up something before the crazy new school term starts again. I'm actually setting my kids "free" today since it's their last free they are basically doing whatever they want. Playing 24-7. (~.~") Have to keep reminding myself, you only get to be a kid once. :P And because of that, I have some free time now to blog, lol! Today a simple and yet healthy recipes that I am so sure anyone can do it in jiffy! First is Steamed Herbal ayam Drum-lets. 
This is a dish I have made up to 6-7 times for the last couple months. Because it's yummy and easy! I either change the main ingredient to a whole ayam or white fish fillet. This time I made it slightly simpler by using just ayam drum-lets, which I find it much easier to eat too. :P 

Ingredients for Steamed Herbal ayam Drumlets: (Serves 4)
12 ayam drumlets, skin removed
6 pieces of dried red date
10 pieces of dried longan
5-6 pieces of Yu Zhu Pian ( 玉竹片)
5-6 pieces of Dang Gui (当归)
2 tbsp Gou Qi (枸杞)

1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
some white pepper

1 tbsp Shaoxing masak wine
1/2 tsp salt
  • In a mixing bowl, add in the de-skinned ayam drumlets and all of the marinate ingredients. Mix well and cover to marinate for at least an hour.
  • Give all the herbs a quick rinse. Then in a small bowl, add in all the rest of the herbal ingredients except the Gou Qi (枸杞). Add a cup of water and soak the herbs for 15 minutes, except Gou Qi (枸杞).
  • Meanwhile, set up the steamer. Line your ayam drum-lets in the steamer bowl and pour in the soaked herbs and add the  Gou Qi (枸杞) over the top.
  • Steam at medium high heat for at least 10-15 minutes. If you are using whole ayam, steam at least 20 minutes.
  • Once done, remove from steamer and serve immediately with steam rice. Enjoy!  
Fresh out of the steamer! Yummy! If you are worried that your young child doesn't like the taste, you can add a wee bit sugar to the marinate or seasoning to sweeten it a little. But you know the red dates, gou qi & dried longan makes the dish naturally sweet and yummy already! 

Bare in mind to remove the skin of the poultry so the dish will not turn out greasy. I literally drink the soup just like that, it is so yummy! :) Even my kids find this dish delicious, and that is why I repetitively made it over the last couple months, lol! Plus us woman totally need to eat more tonic food to keep up our health. :)

Okay, gonna keep this a short one, have a great weekend everyone!
Promise will be back soon with a desert and I just fell in love...stay tune. ;)
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