Hakka Yam Abacus (算盘子)

I love yam, be it yam cake, yam kueh, yam buns or even yam bread loaf, (just to name a few) I won't miss a chance to try them out. And it goes without surprise that I love the Hakka  dish: yam abacus. But somehow it never occur to me to make it myself because I felt making those lovely chewy yam abacus can be pretty daunting. :P Until recently, when I saw Lena post up her version and after reading her recipe, it just strike me, it ain't as complicated as I imagined it to be! Thanks Lena!! *muaks*  So here it is, my first attempt of Hakka Yam Abacus(算盘子).

 I did make slight changes to the recipe to suit my liking. Here is my version with adaption to Lena's:

Ingredients for Yam Abacus (serves 4)
For the Abacus
240g yam fresh which has been peeled & steamed
110g tapioca flour
pinch of salt
A pot of boiling water
  • After you have steamed the yam, place it in a large mixing bowl together with the salt. Then add in the tapioca flour while the yam is still warm. You can either use your hands to knead the yam and flour together, or be like lazy me, use the mixture to beat it together to forma soft pliable dough.
  • Roll into a long log and cut into chunks.
  • Roll the chunks in between your palms and roll round into balls. 
  • Press flat and use a chop stick end to make a indentation in the middle.
  • Boil the abacus in the pot og boiling water till it floats. Scoop out and drizzle some sesame oil/ vegetable oil over. Mix to coat and set aside first.
Accompanied ingredients:
2 garlic, minced
200g minced pork, marinated with 1/2tsp light soy sauce and dash of pepper
5 ears dried shitake mushrooms, soaked and sliced
50g dried squid, cut thinly
5 medium dried wood-ear mushroom, soaked and sliced
3 tbsp dried shrimp, soaked
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp ayam seasoning
  • In a work, add 2 tsp oil at medium fire. Stir fry the garlic till fragrant, then add in the dried shrimp and dried squid. Add in the minced pork and masak till opaque.
  • masak for a couple minutes till aromatic, add in the mushrooms and masak a  couple more minutes.
  • Add in the yam abacus and stir fry till everything mixed. Add some water if needed.
  • Lastly add in the seasoning and stir well.
  • Dish up and serve while still hot.
Although I have tasted better ones, but I am still pretty please with the outcome! The texture of the abacus was soft and chewy...with a hint of yam, yum!

Definitely a great dish to serve up during the Chinese New Year table. Anything that associate with calculation (算), the Chinese will like! Why? So that we are good at counting our money, haha!

I am very happy to submit this post to Sonia's blog event :Chinese New Year Delights 2016 新春送礼.

Okay, got to go, tomorrow is another long day! Cheers!

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