Mango Panna Cotta

After that whole week of continuous rain, the weather has finally made a change for the last couple of days. Back to scorching sun and unbearable heat. :P I guess this changed of weather did prompt me to come up with some cooling desserts. Well, it is better to make something healthier at home then to keep feeding my kids ice cream.

A fruity cold creamy dessert like pudding or panna cotta just came to mind since I just bought two large mangoes recently. Mango Panna Cotta it will be!

Recipe for Mango Panna Cotta (recipe Adapted from 孟老師的甜点杯)
3 gelatine sheets (or 3/4 tbsp gelatine powder)
200g fresh mango meat
250ml fresh milk
100ml fresh heavy cream (for masak not whipping)
35g caster sugar
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
extra mango chunks for deco
  • Soften the gelatine sheets in cold water. If warm water, it will melt away.
    • Blend the mango flesh in blender till smooth.
    • Next you add the milk, heavy cream and sugar into a heavy saucepan. Heat over low fire till it reaches 40-50C . Stir well to make sure the sugar is all melted. DO NOT let the mixture boil.
    • Once the sugar has all melted, remove the saucepan and place it over some ice water to cool the mixture.
      • Add in the lemon juice, give it a good stir. Next add in the soften gelatine sheets and stir well till all is dissolved. You can add this when the mixture has cooled down slightly.
      • Lastly, add in the pureed mango and mix well using a whisk.
      • Carefully sieve the whole mixture into another bowl.
      • Lastly, pour the mixture into small jars or bowls. Should yield about 5 portions of 150CC.
      • Chill in the fridge for at least 4-6 hours or overnight, covered.
      • When the panna cotta is set, top it off with some fresh mango chunks.
      • Serve when it is still cold. Or continue to chill until ready to serve. Enjoy!
      Well, did this recipe change your perspective of making panna cotta yourself? It ain't as complicated as it seems right? For quite some time I keep thinking that Panna cotta involves a slightly more complex step as compared to making a pudding. But I guess it's the other way now since pudding you do need to stem bake for some. :P

      I was thinking, for this recipe, you can even try swapping the mango to other fruits like avocado? Strawberries? Blueberries? exciting just thinking of the possibilities. But do note that you need to let it have enough time to set before serving. And do check that your gelatine powder or sheet hasn't expired before working on the recipe. :)
      So light, so tasted like mango cloud haha! Anyway, I think I was a little impatient before taking this shot so it didn't set as nicely as I wanted it. So don't make the same mistake as me! :P Just let it do its "thing" and chill out in the fridge ya? :D

      Anyway, hope you all will try this out. :)
      Have a good day guys!
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